Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This morning in my devotion time, I looked at Psalm 139. It was such an awesome time with the Lord and I wanted to share it with you. This is designed as something that you can read through but I encourage you to take it with you into your devotion time and let the Lord speak to you. 

Take a few minutes and read through Psalm 139. After you are finished, spend some time talking to God and ask Him reveal something to you.

Read through Psalm 139 again very slowly. If you are in a private place, read out loud so that you can hear the words aloud. 

What's one thing that stuck out to you as you were reading? Maybe write your thoughts down in a journal or on a piece of paper.
When I read through it this morning, the Lord called my attention to the very last few verses. 
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
   test me and know my anxious thoughts. 
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
   and lead me in the way everlasting.

Here, David is asking for the Lord to look inside his heart and inside his thoughts. He is asking God to expose anything that he may have been keeping in the darkness. To see if his ways and his thoughts are right.  

When the Bible refers to darkness, it is referring to those things that we keep hidden: maybe sin, issues with relationships, unforgiveness, past hurts or whatever. It hurts when sin is exposed because we as humans as so full of pride that we do not want any one to know that we are struggling with something. But here, David is praying for God to search his spirit and find those places that we are trying to kept hidden so that God can deal with issues. 

Jesus said that he is "The Way, The Truth, and The Life" (John 14:6), he also says that he has come to bring truth to human kind and that "the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). If you are struggling with sin (do not worry, because you are not alone), God's truth will set you free from that. 

After reading this earlier today, I prayed that the Lord would expose those dark areas in my life and show me where I trust in things other than Him. I prayed that God would show me truth. You see, in order for God to use me, I have to be willing to let God change me. I have to be willing to live only for Him and with the willingness comes a price.  Because I want to live for God and for truth, that makes me different than some of my friends that believe bad is good, wrong is right. 

Now, go back and read through Psalm 139. Let God speak to you and challenge you with those dark places, that sin, that you may be hiding. God wants to use you to reach those around you who don't know Him. He has a purpose and a plan for your life. Think about this when you read back over Psalm 139. Pray and ask the Lord to speak to you right now. Pray and ask the Lord to show you His love so that He can transform you into the person that He created you to be. 

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